Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Philippines Update blog. This blog has been created to be a central point of contact for the worldwide Calvary Chapel community and anyone else interested in learning about relief efforts in the central Philippines devastated by Super-Typhoon Haiyan. The blog will be updated frequently with information about Calvary Chapel supported relief teams and other news related to the typhoon recovery. Check back often for more updates.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Building Project in San Julian Taking Shape

Building the church and house at San Julian is coming along.  The rainy season makes it difficult at times.  For example, we need to be careful how we buy sand and gravel.  If they deliver it to the road at the work site and there is a downpour, then we lose all the materials for the work.

The Bible college and other projects are a little less difficult because we are in the classroom and live there.  We are blessed to have a good group of kids.  They do not complain and are very hard working.  They are also doing well with their written assignments.  They are diligent in their studies and service to the Lord.
Building Project coming along

Church and House taking shape

Good group of diligent young workers

Alex from the Ranch fits also- He's a good kid

Friday, August 29, 2014

All the Hardwork Beginning to Payoff

Some of the guys are still with us on rebuilding the Bible College and the continue to work on the San Julian Church.  Here is an update from those continuing this project through completion.

We are excited about the progress.  We are getting much closer to having this part of the ministry back up and running full strength.  It has been a little difficult with the make shift kitchen and dining area, as well as pastor quarters that you see here. But it is getting much closer to being finished.

The church project continues as well in San Julian.

It is actually a split level church and then the back side will be the pastor’s housing.
Looks like we are going to have the pastor’s housing done first and continue the Bible study in it until the church can be completed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Building God's House Brick by Brick

As you can see the church in San Julian and house are coming along.  Going forward brick by brick.  Although, the rainy season is making it difficult at times.  For example, we need to be careful how we buy sand and gravel.  If they deliver it to the road at the work site, and there is a downpour, we lose all materials for the work.

The Bible college is a little less difficult because we are in the classroom and live there.

This is a good group of kids.  Working hard and not complaining.  Also when given written assignments, they are diligent complete it.  Alex( from the ranch) fits in well.  He is also a good kid.
Progress comes slowly but surely during raining season

Digging for footings
Building starting to take shape

Working diligently for the Lord's house

Materials for the project

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Making Progress in Church Building Project - San Julian

The church construction at San Julian coming along

ChimChe and Jon Paul constructing the two church bathrooms
Praise God that the work continues with the new church plant in San Julian.  The posts and walls are starting to go up.

There will be a church anniversary in Catbalogan on Sunday. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Teams Ministering to Youth and Children. Bringing Joy and Relief

Let the children come:  They never left our side.
Great night of Worship

Youth group:  great growth since Calvary relief work.
Lots of new faces since Calvary Relief teams have come.

Peggy Brown hanging off the back of Jeepney now back in Samar with a company of servants going out to do ministry in jails, hospitals, and outer villages. Please keep praying and sending teams to help.

Great youth nights are booming with new kids coming and staying since rebuilding of sanctuary.
Great opportunity to speak into these kid's lives.

CC San Julian:  Church is now above ground now and moving forward.
The work continues and there is still a great and effective door that has opened through the typhoon relief work.  Please pray about bringing a team and ministering to the people of the Philippines.  Your prayers and support are making a tremendous impact.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reaching out to the surrounding communities

As well as the church buildings some of the widows homes are being completed again as well

Reaching the areas around the churches- starting with the church members that lost their husbands/dads.

Construction of New Churches

Regular Hospital Ministry continues

 Teams come for relief work, but all the "regular" ministry also continues on.  Praying from bed to bed in the hospitals has been part of the church ministry for the last 16 years.
Praying and ministering to the sick

Work continues as foundational pillars are now up for the San Julian Church!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Church Plant - San Julian

Harvest Christian Fellowship is experiencing
good times while in Samar.  Having a team devotion before heading out.
New Work Birthed from Relief Work
Praise God that the land at San Julian in Eastern Samar is now ours.  We just started to build the church.  With the help of the team from Harvest Christian Fellowship, we will see a new meeting place for the fellowship.
Getting loaded up to see the ministry sights!

Ready to start the building project

Leveling and preparing ground for foundation

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ministry Continues On

Many ministry opportunities in coming alongside local churches.  Places of ministry included:  Loscoon, Lalawigan, Batang (Hernani), Nagaja (Hernani), Maydolang, and the Bay-Bay.  Have been busy with the youth camp, vbs and evangelism.

Serving in local outreaches

Steve and Anita Coon bringing in supplies

Preaching and ministering to the people of Samar

Evangelism in local barangays (neighborhoods)

Off to the next outreach

Ministering to the children in VBS


Friday, May 9, 2014

8th Annual Youth Camp

Ptr. Ron Brown does an excellent job at putting together the annual youth camp.  Youth camps are always an amazing time to stir up the young people in serving Jesus.
Young people serve in the camp by leading worship

Many in attendance at 8th Annual Youth Camp

The youth group looks forward to this event all year

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Making Progress

The work is going well as we continue to work on the Bible College and CC San Julian.
CC Downey came out again to help us and really blessed everyone.  Much was done both physically and spiritually by this team.
CC Downey Team coming to bless

More progress made at the Bible College

Teams also come to teach the Word
Update on Ptr Jerry Brown:  He is getting stronger after his motorcycle accident.  The doctor says his back is starting to heal, and ribs are beginning to settle as well.  He is really hoping to be able to go over in late June once again. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Calvary Chapel/U-Turn for Christ Hernani Open for Worship

Church at Hernani just starting Sunday and mid week service there now. People are starting to really respond to the love that has been poured out on them over the last few months.

 Children's Ministry -Worshiping in New Church Sanctuary

Friday, April 4, 2014

Celebration Day- Worship at Newly Constructed Church

First Service at CC Hernani after rebuilding the church

Pastor Roger was chosen to give the message and all were blessed!

Worshiping the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness

Then we have Buffalo Bill (Pastor Bill) big time farmer now! One missions trip to the Philippines will change you in many ways!
Finally, we get to see what many have labored for, many have given to, and many have prayed toward.   A new worship center CC HERNANI is alive with saints! You can see that we still have more work to do on the details of the church as well as furniture, but the saints were so blessed to be back in their house of worship!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rebuilding Homes, Rebuilding Lives, Bringing Fresh Water

Teams have been building homes for church members

Pastor Ron Brown continues to lead the teams and give us updates from the Calvary Chapel relief work that is going on. What a blessing to see people continue to pour out the love of Jesus on these desperate people.

We are continuing to reach out by building houses for members of the church that had their homes completely destroyed in the Typhoon.
The house wouldn't be complete without this essential room- the C.R. (bathroom)

Church is the biggest joy for these precious people with the teams that come to help

Food is always going to be a part of CC services and fellowship!

This is another house for the people from Sabang Suribau where many of our church members were affected by the storm.

We have pastors teaching our regular weekly prison ministry, Here is Pastor Roger Stalhut of CC New Horizon in Oregon having his opportunity to minister there

Again the team from CC Hatters Island.

Always taking the blessing of having visiting pastor’s teaching our Bible college students while they are with us.  Here is Pastor Billy from CC Hatteras Island teaching the Bible school.
Two teams coming to serve- CC New Horizons with CC Hatteras Island

New water tower now at the CC Hernani church facilities.
Huge help to all -including setting up for clean fresh drinking water for the whole community.
Thank God for the teams from Thailand, Hatteras Island, Oregon, and Romoland please keep them in prayer as they continue to show the love of Jesus to the Philippines in so many different ways. The people of Hernani are excited about this church building being resurrected as a focus of hope for all that have lost everything, soon they will have a place to gather to worship God together again. Thank You for all your help.